

Shall promote patriotism and good citizenship through patriotic observances, patriotic and civic instruction in schools, disseminate scholarship information, and develop scholarship programs within the Department, etc., Americanization of aliens, youth activities such as Premier Boys State, Boy Scouts, Oratorical Contests, Americanism Essay Contests, School Awards, Baseball, Flag Etiquette and other similar community services. In addition, the Americanism Commission shall propagate an interest in and a furtherance of principles of Americanism as in and furtherance of principles of Americanism as advocated by The American Legion throughout the state of Illinois using the agencies of the Department of Illinois and Posts of The American Legion and its affiliated bodies, as well as other patriotic organizations of like kind.  *See individual Committees appointed to administer these programs.

Americanism Essay Contest
Oratorical Contest Brochure
Oratorical Contest Application

Essay Contest Timeline

1st Friday February
1 March
1 April
1 May

To Post

Essay Turned into local post contest.  Winner advances after completion of judging.

District Competition

Essays judged in each class.  Winners advance after completion of judging.

Division Competition

Essays judged in each class.  Winners advance after completion of judging.  

Department Competition

Winners in each class announced at Department Convention

Oratorical Contest Timeline

12 January
1-2 March

Post District

Post and Districts conduct competitions.

Division Deadline

Post and Districts have submitted application to division.

Department Competition

Department Competition, Springfield

Winners are invited to Department Convention


Chairman: Micheal M. Carder
Vice Chairman: Celeste Latham

Chairman Emeritas: Philip H. Mette

Members by Division:

  1. Micheal M. Carder '24
  2. Celeste N. Latham '24
  3. Norman W. Flowers, Jr. '24
  4. Ralph Young '25
  5. Ralph W. Rounds, II; Phil Mette '25



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