Shall study the needs of the United States in armament and personnel and military affairs generally, and study problems of foreign relations, thereby making recommendations concerning the same. New instruments of warfare have made this a vital part of national defense. The commission shall concern itself with the disaster relief programs on the National and State levels, cooperate with the Red Cross and other allied or similar functions. In the area of the armed forces the Commission shall provide avenues whereby the membership shall be conversant with the state of preparedness. The purpose of the Commission is to protect the internal as well as the external security of the United States; and information in Counter-Subversive propaganda; in the area of law and order the Commission shall initiate and make known enterprises tending toward the observance of the strictest justice and the supremacy of the law. The Commission shall promote use of the facilities and man-power of the Legion to support the legally established agencies of the Nation.
Chairman: Roy Weber
Vice Chairman:Robert Zimbelman
- Beverly Fitch '26
- Celeste Latham '26
- Robert Zimbelman '26
- Michael Vance '25
- Roy Weber '25