Joe Lampert

Joe Lampert

Department Commander

Joe Lampert    2024-2025   Department  Commander  

Joe Lampert is a 22-year Illinois American Legion Member from Morton Grove Post 134, Morton Grove, Illinois. He enlisted in the in the U.S. Navy in September 1984 and served 14 years on active duty in the Submarine Force and 10 years in the Naval Reserve with the Seabees. He was deployed in 2006 to Iraq for Operation Enduring Freedom / Iraqi Freedom. He retired in September 2009 at the rank of Chief Petty Officer.

He has gone through the chairs at the Post, District and Division Levels and is currently the Post Judge Advocate & Parliamentarian. He has completed The American Legion Extension Course, The American Legion Basic Training and is a 2014 National American Legion College Graduate. He is a member of ANAVICUS, VFW Post 450, The 40 & 8 Voiture 220, DAV & Egyptian Past Commanders Club. At the Department level, he served on the National Security Commission and is the Chairman of The American Legion Riders Advisory Committee. At the National level he has been serving on the National Convention Resolutions Assignment Committee since 2015. He has served as Assistant Sergeant at Arms for both Department and National Conventions.

He currently works for Cleveland Cliffs Steel in East Chicago, Indiana as the Section Manager for Contractor Administration. He has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Organization Management from Calumet College of St. Joseph and a Master of Business Administration from Indiana Wesleyan University. He has two daughters, Elizabeth (35) and Megan (32), who both live in Florida and are Auxiliary members.

Josh Thielen Dept Adjutant

Joshua Thielen

Joshua M Thielen, Department of Illinois Adjutant 

Josh was Born in Hibbing, Mn in 1984 to Jan and John Thielen. He lived there until 1992 when his family decided to move to Clinton, Il where he graduated high school in 2003.

Josh immediately went into the Army as a 92G Food Service Specialist. After Basic and AIT, he went to his first permanent duty station in the Great White North, Fort Drum, New York. Assigned to the 4th Battalion 31st Infantry Regiment 2nd Brigade Combat Team he deployed twice to Iraq (June 2004-June 2005, Aug. 2006 – Nov. 2007). After the second tour he reenlisted and went to Fort Leonard Wood, Mo where he was assigned to the 463rd MP Company. During this time, he served as the driver for the 14th MP Brigade Command Sergeant Major and cooked in the NCOA Dining Facility. After his time there he returned to Fort Drum this time assigned to 3rd Brigade Special Troops Battalion, 3rd Brigade Combat Team. He deployed one time to Afghanistan (Apr. 2011 – Apr. 2012). In Sept. 2013 Josh was medically discharged and returned home to Clinton, Il.

Josh and his wife Christina have been married since May 2006. They have one daughter Jeanette, who is Josh’s mini me. One brother, Jeff, who also served in the Army from 2004 – 2009 and deployed twice to Iraq. Josh’s parents and mother-in-law also live with him. Josh and Jeff are both members of Crang-Bennett American Legion Post 103 in Clinton. His wife, mom, and daughter are all members of the Crang-Bennett American Legion Auxiliary Unit 103, Josh and his dad are both members of the Sons of The American Legion Squadron 55 in Farmer City. Josh is also a member of Darvin Volker AmVets Post 14 in Clinton, VFW Post 5346 in Monticello, and the Clinton Lake Ducks Unlimited.

Josh is a past post 103 and 19th District Commander, past post Sgt. At Arms, post and district finance officer, and post Service Officer. Josh has also served as the 19th district chairman for Children and Youth, Technology, and Americanism.